Fall Fiesta

1632 240th St. Aledo, IL
October 7 | 3pm - 11pm

FREE! NO COST! Join us for an extraordinary youth event at the Lamberts house! A night of hayrack rides, hotdogs, campfires, smores , glow in the dark capture the flag and other activities!

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Join us for an extraordinary youth event at the Lamberts house! Get ready for an exhilarating experience filled with Fun, Laughter, and unforgettable memories. This is the perfect opportunity for students to invite their friends. At this FREE youth event we will have Basketball, Volleyball, Flag Football, Bonfire, Hayrack Ride, Food, and a big game of Glow in the dark CAPTURE THE FLAG! Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to bond with friends, make new connections, and create memories that will last a lifetime.We will meet at the Moline campus at 3pm and will arrive back at 11pm. Rides to the Lamberts house will be provided by the Youth Leaders and Volunteers.